Long road trips can be both exciting and daunting. While the open road offers endless opportunities for adventure, the hours spent in the car can sometimes feel endless. One way to make the journey more enjoyable and pass the time is by playing fun games with your fellow travelers. Whether you’re traveling with family, friends, or even solo, here are some fun games to play on the road that will keep you entertained and make the trip feel shorter.

1. I Spy
“I Spy” is a classic road trip game that never gets old. It’s simple, fun, and can be played by people of all ages. One player starts by saying, “I spy with my little eye, something [color/shape/feature].” The other players take turns guessing what the object is. The game can be tailored to fit the surroundings, whether you’re driving through a city, countryside, or even on a highway. This game not only keeps everyone engaged, but it also helps to keep your mind sharp and alert while on the road.

2. 20 Questions
This game is a great way to get the whole car involved in a guessing challenge. One player thinks of an object, person, or place, and the other players take turns asking yes-or-no questions to figure out what it is. You can only ask 20 questions, so it requires creativity and strategic thinking. The game keeps everyone on their toes and is perfect for both short and long trips. Plus, it’s adaptable, so you can choose different themes or categories depending on the players’ interests.

3. License Plate Game
The license plate game is a fun way to get competitive and explore different states, regions, or countries. The goal is to spot license plates from as many different locations as possible. You can keep a running tally of the states or provinces you spot or challenge others to find plates from specific places. To make the game even more interesting, you can assign points to rare plates or try to spot plates from all 50 states (or however many are relevant to your location). It’s an engaging way to stay observant and entertained while traveling.

4. Road Trip Bingo
Road trip bingo is a fun game that is perfect for younger travelers, but it’s also enjoyable for adults. Before you hit the road, create bingo cards with common sights that you’re likely to see on the journey. For example, include items like “a red car,” “a stop sign,” “a cow,” or “a rest area.” Players mark off squares as they spot the items. The first person to get a full row, column, or diagonal wins. This game is great for making the miles fly by and encouraging everyone to keep their eyes peeled for interesting sights along the way.

5. The Alphabet Game
The alphabet game is a simple yet competitive game that anyone can enjoy. The goal is to find objects along the road that start with each letter of the alphabet, starting with A and working your way to Z. For example, you might spot an “apple” for A, a “bus” for B, and so on. Players take turns spotting items and calling them out. The first person to make it through the entire alphabet wins. If you’re traveling through different areas, this game can take on a new level of fun as you spot different things based on where you are.

6. Would You Rather?
“Would You Rather?” is a fun, interactive game that can lead to hilarious discussions. One person asks a question that forces the group to choose between two options, such as “Would you rather have the ability to fly or be invisible?” The answers can spark interesting debates and help pass the time quickly. This game can be tailored to suit any group and can lead to some thought-provoking and funny conversations along the way.

7. Storytelling Game
For those who love creativity, a storytelling game is a perfect choice. One person starts by saying a sentence to begin a story, and each person in the car takes turns adding a sentence to continue the tale. The story can take unexpected turns and provide lots of laughs as everyone adds their unique twist. It’s a great way to tap into your collective creativity and create a memorable, often hilarious, story together.